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Functions And Types Of ECG Machine

Electrocardiogram monitors or ECG machines are devices which are basically used to detect heart diseases and monitor the electrical activity of the heart. It is highly beneficial in detecting cardiovascular diseases. These machines can detect damaged and diseased tissues, rate of heartbeat, structural abnormalities, surgical repairs and so forth. It can also detect the effects of certain drugs on the heart. As it is one of the safest and least invasive methods, it is used by millions of cardiologists all…

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Advantages Of Having X-Ray Labs And EKG On-Site

Getting your routine medical tests and X-rays can be a long drawn out process which will make you miss a lot of work and waste a lot of time. For those who have an emergency and need immediate tests to be conducted, waiting for hours in the emergency room of a hospital can be a nightmare. An on-site treatment facility allows you to visit a single place where you can have all your blood tests, labs, x-rays and even your…

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Primary Health Care For You And Your Family

Primary health care, also known as PHC, comprises of all the basic services that are offered to individuals and families for their wellbeing. So whether you need a general check-up or you have suffered from a twisted ankle, your first point of contact would be with one of these professional care-givers. They will help you with your lifestyle habits, manage chronic diseases and provide preventive measures to keep your body and mind healthy. PHC forms an integral part of society.…

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Pros and Cons of an Internal Medicine Specialist

A doctor of internal medicine, also called an internist, specializes in diagnosing and treating adults. You can expect a physician of this type to be well-versed in many conditions that may plague patients during adulthood, as opposed to someone who treats children or patients of all ages. If you have the option to see this type of doctor, you should learn the pros and cons of doing so, compared to other doctors. The main reason to see a doctor of…

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A Quick Guide to Comparing In-House Vs Outsourced Contact Center Costs

If you're already managing an in-house contact center, you know that navigating the natural peaks and valleys of call volume presents a complex challenge when calculating call center costs. You know that the ratios and formulas are multifaceted, which can make a direct comparison between in-house and outsourcing a little difficult. When you need to present a business case complete with outsourced contact center costs, you need to break down the numbers in a way that makes sense. Below, we…

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